Active Ingredient - Reclaim Your Power!

Walking. Bicycling. Alternatives to Driving Everywhere. Social justice. Alternatives to suburban boredom and waste. And the infrastructure, technology, and societal changes needed to get there.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Complete Streets: A dangerous image?

Transportation for America is steadily moving forward its agenda which includees "complete streets." Quoting from TFA's Web site, "Complete streets mean those who have to walk each day don't have to risk their lives on roads that are dangerous by design."

But in pursuing this agenda, is TFA always serving the interests of bicyclists for better coexistence with cars on the streets that all must share? Maybe. But today I found a link to this image on the Complete Streets Web site, as part of its Flickr slide show.

Granted, the main purpose of this photo is to demonstrate the goodness of bus shelters for public transit passengers. But look at the photo more closely. We see a busy arterial street, engineered for a 35 to 45 mph speed limit. Beyond the bus stop, the rightmost lane is so narrow that the only safe thing for a bicyclist to do is take the lane...or, to ride on the widened sidewalk. It's common in the suburbs to see a sidewalk narrower than this due to low pedestrian traffic volumes. But this looks all too much like a side "path" where bikes are welcome, timid bicyclists will choose to ride, and aggressive motorists will expect all bicyclists to ride. In other words, a dangerous image for bicycling.

I intend to read the proposed legislation accompanying this TFA call for action, and as long as this dangerous image is associated with this legislation, I don't intend to support it. Too bad, because the provisions for pedestrians are laudable. It's what's left unsaid here that disturbs me. Do bikes belong on this street?